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ECG (Electrocardiogram)

An ECG, or electrocardiogram, is a simple and fast test that records the electrical activity of the heart. It is an essential tool in assessing heart health, helping to identify heart conditions that might not yet be showing symptoms. At St John & Elizabeth Hospital, our cardiology department is equipped with advanced technology and staffed by compassionate experts dedicated to ensuring your heart’s health and your peace of mind.

Also known as: heart trace, EKG


Contact Cardiology Clinic

Everything You Need to Know

The ECG is a cornerstone in cardiac diagnostics, capable of uncovering various heart conditions, from minor disturbances in rhythm to serious cardiac disorders. Its non-invasive nature makes it a preferred method for early detection and monitoring of heart health. Whether you’re experiencing symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath, or you’re undergoing a routine check-up, our team at St John & Elizabeth Hospital offers comprehensive care and detailed analysis of your ECG results.

At our hospital, we prioritise your comfort and understanding throughout the diagnostic process, ensuring that all your concerns are addressed with empathy and expertise.

Before Your ECG

ECG is a widely requested test, it may be requested by one of our Cardiologists, your General practitioner (GP) or any other specialist doctor taking care of you. The initial consultation is crucial for tailoring the ECG procedure to your specific needs, ensuring accurate and useful results. Preparing for your ECG is straightforward, with no special requirements in most cases. Our team will guide you through the simple steps, such as wearing comfortable clothing and removing any upper-body garments to allow access to your chest for the attachment of electrodes (ECG stickers).

During Your ECG

Undergoing an ECG at St John & Elizabeth Hospital is a swift, comfortable and pain free experience.

Here’s what happens:

Arrival and Preparation

Upon arrival, our friendly staff will welcome you and lead you to the examination room. You may ask for a chaperone if you require one, if you are with your spouse or relative, you have the choice to allow them in the room during your test. You’ll be asked to remove clothing from the waist up and a gown may be provided for to cover yourself during the procedure. You will then be asked to lie down and relax as small, sticky electrodes are attached to your chest, arms and legs.

The ECG Process

The test itself takes only a few minutes during which you’ll need to lie still. The ECG machine records your heart beat (in the form of electrical signals), and there is no discomfort involved. A single page is printed containing the ECG.

Immediate Aftercare

Once the test is complete, the electrodes are removed, and you can dress and return to your normal activities immediately. One of our trained physiologists or nurses performing this test will explain the next step to you (i.e. that the results will be given to one of our cardiologists who will write a formal report which will then be sent to your requesting doctor).

After Your ECG

Following your ECG, one of our consultant cardiologists will analyse the results and provide you and/or your referring doctor with comprehensive feedback. If any abnormalities are found, the doctor will discuss the implications with you and explore further diagnostic tests or treatment options. Our support doesn’t end with the test; we’re here to guide you through any subsequent steps, from lifestyle adjustments to treatment plans, ensuring your heart health is managed with the utmost care.

How to pay for your treatment

If you’re… paying for yourself

Did you know you don’t need private medical insurance to come to St John & St Elizabeth Hospital? As a self-pay patient, you can access safe, outstanding quality health care at times to suit you.

For scans and tests, as well as to see most consultants, you’ll still need to be referred by a medical professional like your GP, but as a self-pay patient, the process is more straightforward. You won’t need authorisation from an insurance provider, and you’ll have greater choice of consultant and appointment times.

If you’re… paying for yourself

Did you know you don’t need private medical insurance to come to St John & St Elizabeth Hospital? As a self-pay patient, you can access safe, outstanding quality health care at times to suit you.

For scans and tests, as well as to see most consultants, you’ll still need to be referred by a medical professional like your GP, but as a self-pay patient, the process is more straightforward. You won’t need authorisation from an insurance provider, and you’ll have greater choice of consultant and appointment times.



Your first step is a consultation with our cardiology team to evaluate your symptoms and medical history. Some patients are referred by external doctors, or doctors of other specialties.


Pre-ECG Assessment

This includes a discussion about any medications you’re taking and how to prepare for your ECG with your doctor.


ECG Procedure

We’ll schedule your ECG at a time that’s convenient for you, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.


Results and Follow-Up

After your ECG, we’ll promptly schedule a follow-up to discuss the results and any further steps.

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