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Consultant Specialists

Welcome to St John & St Elizabeth’s dedicated zone for Consultants. Whether you’re looking to join our team, or you’re already a consultant at St John & St Elizabeth Hospital, you will find information on all of the key topics, as well as contact details should you require additional support.

Practising Privileges

St John & St Elizabeth Hospital aims to attract a wide range of suitably qualified and experienced practitioners in order to deliver the highest clinical standards.

To submit your initial interest for practising privileges at The Hospital of St John & St Elizabeth, please send a recent CV and covering letter to our CEO:

Simon James
Chief Executive Officer
St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
60 Grove End Road

Email: Practising.Privileges@hje.org.uk
Telephone: 0207 806 4096
Mobile: 07920 838 112

The Hospital reserves the right to pursue and decline applications at its discretion.


Revalidation shows our patients and the governing bodies that our Consultants are up to date. Practitioners must participate in the process fully in order to receive a license to practice after the current revalidation cycle. Here you will find information on revalidation and the appraisal process. Our dedicated team is here to help.