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Dr David Brull


Consultant Cardiologist

Consultant sees: Adult

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Dr David Brull qualified in 1992 from the Royal Free Hospital Medical School. During specialist training he completed a period in clinical research for which he was awarded his MD thesis. He became Fellow of The Royal College of Physicians in 2007.

Dr Brull was appointed Consultant Cardiologist at the Whittington Hospital and The Heart Hospital, University College Hospitals London in October 2003 and is the Cardiology Clinical Lead at the Whittington Hospital. He has broad experience in managing patients with all common cardiac conditions including angina, hypertension, heart failure, referrals for investigation of alpitations and collapse, cardiovascular risk assessment, perioperative cardiac assessment and treatment of elevated cholesterol levels.

Dr Brull’s main interest and specialist training is in percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) for the treatment of coronary artery disease. He helped set up the Heart Attack Service at The Heart Hospital, UCLH.

In addition Dr Brull has a specialist interest in cardiopulmonary exercise testing in perioperative risk assessment for patients prior to elective general and bariatric surgery.