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Dr Frederick Chen


Consultant Haematologist

Consultant sees: Adult


Current NHS position: Consultant Haematologist at Barts Health NHS Trust

Past positions:
Consultant Haematologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
Medical lead for stem cells and immunotherapies lab., NHS Blood and Transplant Birmingham
PI for cellular immunotherapy research and clinical trials, University of Birmingham
Institute of Translational Medicine rare disease clinic for myeloproliferative splanchnic vascular thrombosis
Assistant Professor at University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital in Haematology, Oncology and Stem Cell Transplantation
Past and present member of various national subspecialty committees and guideline writing groups

Current research: Immunology and immunohaematology including novel drug trials for immune haemolysis, ITP, and for myeloproliferative diseases. Publications in international journals including New England Journal of Medicine.

Training: Qualified from University of Bonn, Germany, general medical training in London, specialist haematology training at the Hammersmith Hospital (Imperial College) and King’s College Hospital. Travel Fellowship to NIH, Bethesda, USA, PhD research in cellular immunology, University College London.