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Dr Natasha Kapur


Consultant Dermatologist

Consultant sees: Adult & Paediatric


Dr Natasha Kapur is a Consultant Dermatologist at The Whittington NHS Trust where she is Clinical Lead and joint Teaching lead for UCL medical school for Dermatology teaching. She is also a Principal Investigator for multiple national and international Clinical Trials.

She studied medicine at Imperial College, London (Charing Cross & Westminster Medical School) and also gained an intercalated BSc Honours in Clinical Pharmacology.

She has always worked in London teaching hospitals including St Marys, The Brompton, St John’s Institute of Dermatology at St Thomas’, Royal Free and UCH. Whilst a registrar she was awarded The Geoffrey Dowling Fellowship from the British Association of Dermatologist and went to University Hospital Bern, Switzerland 2001/2 for research into Photodynamic Therapy. This is a non-surgical way to treat certain premaligant and malignant skin cancers. She was one of the first to set up and run Photodynamic Therapy in London teaching hospitals.

Dr Natasha Kapur is actively involved in teaching undergraduates, postgraduates and general practitioners and has been invited to lecture internationally.

For UCL Medical School apart from the teaching role she regularly examines for finals and other exams and has her own group of students that she mentors.  Finally, she regularly sits on the interview panel for prospective medical students applying to UCL.


Adult and Paediatric skin conditions including eczema, acne, psoriasis, skin allergies, fungal & viral infections. She regularly performs mole checks with a dermatoscope to facilitate pigmented lesion screening. She performs photodynamic therapy and dermatological surgery & works closely with plastic surgeons to treat complex cases.