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Dr Tushar Kotecha


Consultant Cardiologist

Consultant sees: Adult

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Dr Tushar Kotecha is a Consultant Cardiologist based at the Royal Free Hospital. After completing undergraduate degrees in both Pharmacy (University of London) and Medicine (University of Warwick) he completed his specialist training in cardiology at Hammersmith and Royal Free Hospital. His areas of expertise include management of patients with ischaemic heart disease, stable angina and pulmonary hypertension.

Dr Kotecha has a strong research background, publishing many peer-reviewed articles in high-ranking cardiology journals. He completed his PhD on the assessment of heart disease using novel cardiac MRI techniques at University College London. He was awarded the Young Investigator Award by the Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR) in 2020 and his work has been presented at several international conferences. More recently, he has published in the European Heart Journal on the effects of Covid-19 infection on the heart. His current ongoing research interests include the use of cardiac MRI and coronary physiology for the assessment of coronary artery disease, coronary microvascular dysfunction and scar following heart attack.

In his current role as a full-time clinician, he regularly performs coronary angiography and angioplasty (including pressure wire assessment, intracoronary imaging (IVUS and OCT) and complex intervention), right heart catheterisation for assessment of pulmonary hypertension and catheter-directed thrombolysis for the management of pulmonary embolism. He is also fully accredited in cardiac MRI.
Dr Kotecha is friendly, approachable and passionate about holistic patient care. He takes the time to complete a comprehensive assessment and is keen to involve patients in a fully informed decision-making process.