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Rhinoplasty, commonly referred to as a “nose job,” is a sophisticated surgical intervention aimed at enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the nose. This procedure caters to individuals seeking to amend the shape, size, or structure of their nose, thereby achieving a harmonious balance with their facial features. It can also correct breathing issues linked to structural irregularities of the nose.

Also known as: nose reshaping, nasal surgery

Contact Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Clinic

Everything You Need to Know

Rhinoplasty stands as a beacon of personalised cosmetic surgery, offering a dual benefit of aesthetic enhancement and functional improvement. The procedure is meticulously tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of each patient, involving precise modifications to the nasal structure. This can range from altering the nasal bridge, refining the nasal tip, to adjusting the overall size and profile of the nose. The goal is to craft a natural-looking outcome that complements the individual’s inherent beauty while addressing any functional concerns.

The versatility of rhinoplasty lies in its ability to be customised extensively. Whether the objective is to rectify a birth defect, repair an injury, or simply to enhance the nose’s appearance for more confidence, rhinoplasty offers a transformative solution that respects the patient’s unique facial anatomy and aesthetic desires.

Before Surgery


The first step on your rhinoplasty journey is a detailed consultation with one of our esteemed plastic surgeons. This session is crucial for discussing your aesthetic goals, examining your nasal structure, and crafting a bespoke surgical plan. It also serves as a platform for you to voice any queries or concerns, ensuring you are thoroughly informed and confident about the forthcoming procedure.

Health Assessment

Prioritising your safety and well-being, a comprehensive health assessment is conducted before the surgery. This includes evaluating your medical history and performing necessary tests to ascertain your suitability for rhinoplasty. Our aim is to customise the surgery to align with your specific health profile, thereby upholding the highest standards of safety and care.

Pre-Procedure Instructions

To facilitate the best possible outcomes and a smooth recovery, we provide detailed pre-surgery instructions. These guidelines may cover adjustments to your medication intake, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and preparations for post-operative care at home. Adhering to these instructions is imperative for ensuring a safe procedure and an optimal healing process.

During Surgery

Our cutting-edge surgical facilities and patient-centric approach guarantee a comfortable and efficient surgical experience. Here’s an overview of the rhinoplasty procedure:


Ensuring your utmost comfort and safety, the appropriate form of anesthesia will be administered, based on the complexity of the surgery and your personal needs. Our team of anesthesiologists will closely monitor you throughout the procedure to maintain your comfort and wellbeing.

Surgical Technique

Rhinoplasty can be performed using either the open or closed technique, depending on the extent of the modifications needed. The open technique involves an incision along the columella, offering comprehensive access to the nasal structure. The closed technique is conducted through incisions hidden inside the nostrils, suited for less extensive adjustments. Our surgeons utilise these techniques to sculpt the nose delicately, ensuring natural-looking results that enhance your facial symmetry.

Refinement and Closure

After making the necessary alterations, the incisions are meticulously closed, and the nose is dressed to support the new structure during the initial phase of healing. Our surgical team employs advanced techniques to minimise scarring and promote a smooth recovery.

Post-Operative Care

Upon completion of the surgery, you will be moved to a recovery area where our nursing team will monitor your initial recovery phase. You will receive comprehensive post-operative care instructions and support to manage any discomfort, ensuring a comfortable and effective healing process.

After Surgery

Recovery from rhinoplasty is a vital aspect of your surgical journey at St John & Elizabeth Hospital. Our commitment to your care extends beyond the surgery, as we support you through the recovery phase to ensure the best outcomes. Here’s what to expect post-surgery:

Post-operative swelling, bruising, and discomfort are normal and typically subside within the first few weeks. Our medical team will guide you on pain management and provide detailed care instructions to aid your recovery. Follow-up appointments are essential for monitoring your healing progress, evaluating the surgical results, and addressing any questions or concerns you may have.

Appointment and Treatment Plan


Initial Consultation

Your rhinoplasty journey begins with an initial consultation to discuss your objectives and evaluate your suitability for the procedure, ensuring you are well-informed about all aspects of the surgery.


Personalised Treatment Plan

Following your consultation, a customised treatment plan will be developed, outlining the specifics of your rhinoplasty, including the surgical approach and anticipated outcomes.


Pre-Op Assessment

A thorough pre-operative assessment will be conducted to confirm your readiness for surgery, incorporating any necessary tests to ensure a safe and personalised procedure.


The Procedure

Performed by our expert surgical team, your rhinoplasty will aim to achieve your desired aesthetic goals, focusing on enhancing your natural beauty and improving nasal function.


Aftercare and Recovery

You will receive comprehensive aftercare instructions and scheduled follow-up appointments to support your recovery, ensuring a smooth process and achieving the best possible results.

Top Tips

A successful recovery from rhinoplasty involves careful adherence to post-operative instructions.

Key tips include:

  • Following all surgeon’s guidelines
  • Allowing ample time for rest
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Attending all follow-up appointments