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Mr Asif Haq

MA Cantab MBChB FRCS (T&O) MSc

Consultant Laparoscopic Colorectal and Minimal Access Surgeon

Consultant sees: Adult

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Asif Haq is Senior Clinical Lead for General Surgery at Kings College Hospital. He is also a Consultant Laparoscopic Colorectal and Minimal Access Surgeon at Kings College Hospital and Kings Health Partners, London. He graduated from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. He completed his general surgical rotation in England and has obtained specialised colorectal training in London and Canada. He was awarded the Sir Ian Todd Fellowship and the New York travelling fellowship for research by the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

After completion of training he obtained two prestigious Laparoscopic Fellowships nationally and internationally. He is a trainer for the national training program for laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery. He consults for both minimal invasive general and colorectal surgical problems with an interest in robotic surgery and endoscopy.

Mr Haq’s expertise lies in bowel cancer and coloproctological conditions ranging from constipation, rectal bleeding, haemorrhoids, anal fistulae, rectal prolapse, inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns and Ulcerative Colitis), complex pilonidal sinus and diverticular disease. He has expertise in revision abdominal surgery in particular: incisional hernia repair using the minimal access approach; abdominal wall reconstruction; and reversal surgery for stomas (ileostomy and colostomy). Simple hernias are repaired using the latest techniques and meshes to minimise pain and scarring.

Mr Haq is passionate about teaching and training both locally, nationally and internationally. He is a member of the charitable Network of Iranians for Knowledge and Innovation with whom he visits hospitals annually in Iran to train Medical Students and Doctors, through live surgery, training workshops, lectures and seminars.