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General Surgery Clinic » Laser Pilonidal Anal Cyst Ablation

Laser Pilonidal Anal Cyst Ablation

Laser pilonidal sinus treatment s a minimally invasive method for anal pilonidal cysts.

Everything you need to know

What is pilonidal sinus?

Chronic subcutaneous abscess in the natal cleft, which spontaneously drains through the openings. They usually occur due to folliculitis and other hairs are sucked into the skin due to gluteal motion. Symptoms include localised pain, reddening of the skin and discharge of pus or blood from an opening in the skin.

How does it work?

The procedure is performed under anaesthesia. The tract is opened and cleaned, then the I aser fibre is inserted from the farthest opening of the tract to the end of the tract. Once the laser fibre reaches the end of the sinus tract it is removed slowly whilst applying the laser energy. This laser energy causes the tract to close.

How long does it take?

The procedure usually takes around 30 minutes.

Why laser pilonidal sinus excision?

  • No incision required
  • Low pain treatments
  • Low risk of damage to the mucosa and sphincter
  • Performed in an outpatient setting or one-day surgery
  • Short recovery time, a quick return to normal activity
  • Low risk of complications


If you are worried about your symptoms or your GP has referred you, get in touch and we will book you in with one of our specialist consultants.

During your initial appointment, your doctor will ask about your symptoms, any test results, and take a detailed medical history. If you have copies of previous test results or treatment plans, please bring these with you. After this, they will talk through your options and let you know whether you should have additional tests. If a laser pilonidal sinus ablation is recommended, your doctor will explain the procedure thoroughly, including the risks and benefits. We encourage you to ask questions and it may be helpful to write these down beforehand as a reminder.

Your consultant will provide a specific pre-procedure protocol for you to follow.


  • The patient will be placed in the prone position (on their front).
  • Anaesthesia is administered
  • The orifices of the sinus track are opened and then a curette is used to remove debris from the tract.
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide is used to wash the tract thoroughly.
  • The optical fibre is inserted to the end of the sinus tract. Then it is removed slowly whilst the laser energy is applied for the appropriate length of time.


Laser pilonidal sinus exc1s1on is considered an outpatient procedure, meaning most patients will go home the same day after a follow up with the consultant. Please consult your specialist for any pain relief and how to proceed with your regular activities.

Due to the minimally invasive nature of the treatment is it expected that the restrictions will be minimal. However, please ensure you consult your specialist directly to discuss any specifics to do with your case.

The procedure has a high success rate (87.5%). However, there is still a recurrence rate of 3% with complications including haematoma or abscess. Please consult your specialist for any additional risks specific to your case.